Nov. 10, 2018

Nov. 10, 2018

Game two was Saturday morning...we are NOT a morning team. This was a game that we were supposed to win and did. We dominated possession. The ball only crossed into our half when we took it there. Keepers only touched the ball 4 times all game and 2 of those were back passes. The score did not reflect the control the boys had. Game was 1-0 at half but was never in jeopardy. Final was 3-0 but with 15 minutes left, even Coach Andy could tell it was over. Player of the Game awards--coaches' selection-Mark, parent/player selection-Jonathon.

The boys have really stepped up and played well this year. With 2 games remaining we are in the position that if we win one, we win the division. These are going to be our toughest two games of the season so stayed tuned. Next up, Sunday afternoon.....back to work boys.