What a way to end the 2018 season!

What a way to end the 2018 season!

Last game of the season, already division champions going in, cold, windy day, second place opponent so going to be tough, right? Tough to stay motivated, tough to stay focused? NAH!!

The boys came out and just took it to the second place team and reminded them why we won first place. Great energy and no panic. Willing to make the right play even if it means that the ball needs to stay in our defensive end. Staying calm on the ball so they are balanced enough to make the proper pass. I could not have asked for any more from these boys today.

5-0 vs Aston to close out the season undefeated. Every bit of the praise they receive is earned.

Way to go Freedom! Enjoy this one for a few weeks and then we get back at it. Indoor, here we come.